GTA V Teaches valuable life lessons…

Hey guys, i just feel in the mood to do a casual blog and figured id discuss my activities while playing GTA Online lately. Now that most of the problems have been resolved its bloody great fun. I managed to find one of the big helicopters with a hook on it and pick up my mates car, and then take him up to the highest building in the game and leave him there to contemplate his choices in life.

Speaking of life choices, i do believe that despite all the Violence, Racism, Sexism, Gore, inhumane behavior, lack of manners and downright bunch of Cunts (Am i allowed to say that Toni?) you encounter, you can still learn some valuable life lessons from participating in the vast open world of Los Santos and here are two that i would like to point out to you kind folk.

Safety in numbers – From the get go (That is after the endless time spent in the fuckin intro missions with that dipshit Lamar) it is a cruel, cruel world. You are given a pistol and a crappy car (I think i had the game equivalent of a Prius) and are told to fuck off and go earn some money, starting with some basic missions like Car Repossession and Busting up drug deals.
Anyway, i digress. My point is every time you come across another player, 99.9% of the time…they will be a colossal cunt. They will kill you. They will take your money. They will take your car and drive it off a cliff because fuck it, its not their car. And they will do it over and over again. HOWEVER…If you are cruising with 3 of your faithful crew buddies (Disclaimer: Sometimes, your crew buddies will be cunts too), then the rest of these cunts (I’m really fucked if i shouldn’t be saying cunts on here) will be less inclined to attempt to ruin your day. Not only that but performing missions and jobs with other crew members gives you BONUS POINTAGE, as does just cruising around with them over time. So remember kids, Safety in numbers!

You can be sort of a dick, but not a complete dick – This point is all based around the simple fact that you cant blow up another cunts personal car, that’s not very nice of you. You can brutishly mow them down at 150mph for endless hours, whittling down their will to live until the message “Player left” appears meaning that they probably kicked over their console (Up yours, PC Elitists) and broke up with their girlfriend because she asked what was wrong. That is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE…but don’t blow up the cunts car, C’mon guys, lets be reasonable.

So there you have it, deep down, GTA can really be an inspirational role model for young children around the world…

I couldn’t say that with a straight face, they’re all a bunch of cunts.

Cheers guys,

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